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Challenges do come.

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 10:03 pm
by Choccodee39
Life, yes does come with challenges, some good and some that will make you want to give up. As a plus-size women challenges come from societies expectations and dictations of what you can and can't do according what society think a plus-size women should or shouldn't wear because of her size. I always stood my ground, as long as it's classy and not trashy and I can slay it, then so be it! Among some of those challenges, there was always that most popular crowd everyone wants to be a part of. I had to choose me or following my dearest friends, yes it was challenging but not enough to give up on me. It's always the challenge to keep from being the one left behind that's hardest for the one who already fight just be treated normal as a plus-size women. Therefore, I had to challenge myself to love me and have respect for my choice to be me no matter what the norms of society brought to me as the popular thing to do. What were some of your challenges? Which was the hardest for you to overcome?