Motivational Tactics to keep being you.
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 12:25 am
We, as plus-size women can be ridiculed and body shamed so much, that we start to body shame ourselves. I have motivational tactics to keep from falling into that mode of self-hatred. I have post it sticky tabs that I post on my mirror of Affirmations that I speak to myself, like I am beautiful and wonderfully made, I am more than worth it, I will not settle for less, I love me, I am free to be me, and I am a leader not a follower. I tend to use ones harsh words to build me up, I build strength from negative comments and use them as stepping stones into my greatness. I also wake up daily and dress to impress even if I am not going anywhere for the day, It makes me feel good about me. What are some of your motivation tactics you would like to share with the community that you use to stay on task and remain positive in todays society?