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What's the most impactful book you've ever read?
Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 8:32 am
by Mirabel
What is the book that has made a lasting change on you? Did a novel make you think or was it the self-help book that transformed you? Looking forward to your recommendation. I want to hear about the book that has influenced your life most and explain why this book is closest to your heart.
Re: What's the most impactful book you've ever read?
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:28 am
by Choccodee39
He Fills My Cup, by Dennis L Taylor is the most impactful book I've ever read. This book is a Devotional book. It opened my eyes to so many mistakes I was making in my life. It helped me see why I was constantly repeating cycles in my life in relationships and my everyday life. I thought people were in control of the joy I was having in life and nothing mattered but the people I thought was responsible for filling my cup with joy. I found out after partitioning God why can't this joy I have last. One day while deep in depression behind a breakup I found this book. I found out God is a jealous God for real and the credit I gave to others for my joy had to end. It hurt me to the core that He showed me myself. I put Him on a shelf and forgot My Daddy who keeps me, protects me loves me more than any other could. I cried like a little child and kept begging for His forgiveness
until He did, He put my heart back
to where it should have been focused of the necessary things in life Him first in everything I do.